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🚀 Getting Started ​

Try out the live demo ​

You can try out the Lunalytics live demo here. You will be signed in as a guest user who has the ability to look through all sections of the application.

Requirements ​

Make sure you have the following applications installed before starting:

Clone application ​

git clone
cd Lunalytics

Setup application ​

# Setup application
npm run setup

# Start application using scripts
npm run start

# Alternatively start application using
node server/index.js
# Setup application
yarn setup

# Start application using scripts
yarn start

# Alternatively start application using
node server/index.js
# Setup application
pnpm setup

# Start application using scripts
pnpm start

# Alternatively start application using
node server/index.js

Lunalytics will be accessible on http://localhost:2308

Using pm2 to run application in the background ​

# Install pm2 globally
npm install pm2 -g

# Start the server
pm2 start server/index.js --name Lunalytics

# Or start the server using script
pm2 start npm --name "Lunalytics" -- run start

# Optional
pm2 save
pm2 startup

## Monitoring console output
pm2 monit
# Install pm2 globally
yarn global add pm2

# Start the server
pm2 start server/index.js --name Lunalytics

# Or start the server using script
pm2 start yarn --name "Lunalytics" -- start

# Optional
pm2 save
pm2 startup

## Monitoring console output
pm2 monit
# Install pm2 globally
pnpm add -g pm2

# Start the server
pm2 start server/index.js --name Lunalytics

# Or start the server using script
pm2 start pnpm --name "Lunalytics" -- start

# Optional
pm2 save
pm2 startup

## Monitoring console output
pm2 monit